Stronger winds especially higher up were forecast today and in a westerly direction so the 10am morning brief directed us up to Aspres. Mr Brown & Mr Brown were so sure that we would be going to Chabre again that they headed up there at 9.30 without going to the briefing – they got it wrong and the pimp mobile had to wind its way slowly up the dodgy Aspres track!
A 75.6k zig zag task was set which would keep us in reach of wider flatter landings.
At 3.30 the task was cancelled due to strong winds. We spent our time watching the most amazing clouds build.
We stopped off on the way down the Aspres track to pick wild raspberries and strawberries – delicious
Back at the campsite some time later my electric bike made it out of the tent and Sam H-B hardened iron man had a grin from ear to ear – never diss something till you’ve tried it!
Results from yesterday – HERE
1 Anton Minskiy
2 Gerolf Heinrichs
3 Bruce Kavanagh
4 Graham Phipps
5 Grant Crossingham
6 Gordon Rigg
7 Ron Richardson
8 Gary Wirdnam
9 Malcolm Brown
10 Daniel Martin Mota
11 Tony Brown
12 Richard Lovelace
13 Dave Matthews
14 Craig Dolwin
15 Fabien Zadora
Hi Rich..really enjoying the blog..wish i could be out there again in crap over here..sounds like Ben was a lucky lad..keep up the good work..some really good photos..Steve Leeman
Hi Steve. not heard from you for a while.
Excellent blog Richard, was particulary interested in the Belgian comp and it almost felt like I was there on the mountain with the regular updates, fantastic effort. It's the first time i've missed it for a few years so it was good to see which regulars were there and how everyone was getting on. It's also the first time time i've seen Malcolm lose the title!
Lastly, glad to hear Ben's ok. Tell him to get the pics on Facebook.
Enjoy the rest of your hols all
Jonny Farrell
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