The WW Covert
The Covert was made for me by Jeff Shapiro and beautifully made it is too. I measured myself at least six times and the harness came and fitted perfectly. I have just recently put my second ‘chute in which is almost exactly the same size as my main ‘chute (34mtr2) so if ever the worse should happen I should have a 64mtr2 parachute – hopefully there will be no strong thermals if ever they are deployed (heaven forbid) otherwise I will be in orbit and it might take a while to get to Earth.
I have always found it impossible to fly for a long time in a position equivalent of wearing stiletto heels, not that I know what that feels like, you understand so I had to make a quick mod to flatten my feet out (that's just my preference). Some people can cope with it but not me as I suffer from sever cramp in my feet when flying so when landing with cramp it feels like walking on broken feet and takes at least half an hour for me to recover. I’ve had at least 3 Aeros Vipers and they all had pointy foot plates which when retro fitted with a foam wedge squared my feet up perfectly - it’s probably just me, there are lots of Covert’s out there with happy, pointy toe’d pilots.
I *think* I am the first pilot in the UK with a Covert and there was lots of interest at it’s first UK outing. I have now had quite a few hours flying in it, some short but some quite long flights with on average of 3 hours (five being the longest) and it is SUPER comfy and very EASY to land in and there is NO creep on the angle of dangle. I was worried that such a tight fitting harness might be a problem but that is not the case.
Thanks for the harness Jeff. It's a peach:-)))