3 May 2009

British Open Series : Round One - S E Wales

Whilst I am at work (sad) Round One of the British Open Series is taking place (1-5 May) in SE Wales. Seems that there has been some pretty good (for British weather) tasks over the past 3 days and I am pretty jealous not to be there!

Work commitments mean I am only able to attend Round Three which takes place over the August Bank Holiday (Mid Wales).

Round Two actually takes place at the end of this month on my 'home turf' but …. I am working again!

The scores for day 1 and 2 are now up on the website.

The Top 5 after 2 tasks are:-

1st - Dave Matthews

2nd - Tony Stephens
3rd - Justin Needham
4th - Grant Crossingham
5th - Neil Atkinson

Markus Kinch usually makes a great video of the Open Series – watch this space it will be available soon I am sure…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well! So much for the World's British team selection choices... get rid of the losers and give Dave Matthews the captaincy!!